Jamie's Thoughts About Boudoir


Creative Boudoir Photographer based out of Redding, CA.

Welcome to my site! I am very excited to share my passion for boudoir photography with you. Of all the types of work I do (and I do pretty much everything but landscape) boudoir gives me the most freedom to plan and create the visuals I have in my mind. I love to add my artistic touch to all my images, but with boudoir I have the freedom to produce my most creative pieces. My goal is to produce beautiful, sensual, portraits of my clients. I do this by carefully planning the set in my studio, lighting, poses, and mood of each image.

Once the images have been created, and while you are anxiously awaiting the results of your glamorous day spent as a model in my studio, I begin the process of “editing” each image. I use quotes on the word “editing” since I don't edit boudoir like I do my other images. I approach each image as I would a painting. I carefully digitally paint each image. I use the photography we created in the studio as a canvas to which I add or remove light, using my virtual paintbrush to produce the final image. What I strive to produce is an artistic piece that is inspired by YOU and will show you the beauty that myself and others see in you.

BoudoirJamie Solorio