

Urban Shoot vs Meadow Shoot and things to keep in mind about the two of them.  Both environments are super awesome to take portraits in, you can choose which environment/s you would like based on your what you find most attractive to you. There is always studio too! We can mix and match as you please!

Some things to consider about The Meadow Setting are…

1. Bugs can be an issue at certain times of the year – think mosquitoes and ticks

2. Uneven terrain and stickers to have to walk through – think heels

3. Mud – think after it has been raining 

4. Critters – think mice, snakes (haven’t seen a rattle snake yet in the tall grass) and who knows what else.

5. Allergies – lots of you have grass allergies {lots of tall scratchy weeds}

6. The best pictures in fields are on mostly sunny days. Clouds will cause a less dramatic image.  I can shoot on cloudy days, but there are draw backs that I can discuss with you if this does occur.  

7. If we have a morning shoot, dew is often present and you could get a little damp.  But who are we kidding, I am nocturnal so I highly doubt I will have a morning shoot, and IF I do…the shoot is extra important! lol.

8. Snow…cold, cold, cold. Bring cocoa, hand warmers, and we will need to work fast! Nice fluffy blanket for the ground could be cool too. Mittens, hats, layers! 

Just keep those things in mind as you pick out your outfits or if you have young ones, especially think about shoes. 

The Urban Environment is great too, we just have to watch out for:

  • Creepers

  • Broken glass

  • CARS!

  • We will not be able to take portraits on train tracks either, it is a federal offense and very dangerous. 🙂

  • If we are going downtown, I like to have more than me and one person for safety reasons. Homeless are usually present, just like a rattlesnake, we have to be aware at all times. I have yet had an issue with a homeless person, just like a rattlesnake…knock on wood. Scary, but true.

Interested in a portrait session with Jamie Solorio?

To view more of my work please visit Jamie Solorio Photography.


Jamie Solorio