Summer Heat and Your Portrait Session Information

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How to manage summer heat during your portrait session?

Bring the following items:

  • Water

  • Wash cloth to blot sweat away

  • Makeup for touch ups

If you feel it might be too hot, please let me know to reschedule…even if last minute, I do not mind one bit.

I will call the shoot off if we have an Excessive Heat Warning or at times if over 100 degrees. This sounds extreme, but it is only from years of trying to shoot on hot days that I realize it is not what I want for my client experience.

The heat can cause red faces and at times, wet armpits, and cranky participants! lol. 

MELTING MAKEUP is another issue to keep in mind.

The most important thing to me are happy subjects during the shoot, which will help us create the best photographic imagery possible for you.

Jamie Solorio