Toddler Tips for Your Portrait Shoot

Downtown Girl Featuring Q

Want to get the most out of your toddler photography session with me?

Below are a few tips on how to do just that:

  1. Let your toddler really experience the environment that is surrounding them. For example, let your child play on the steps, kick a rock, twirl, and have fun. Those are the moments that I like to capture.

  2. Please do not threaten your child while out on a shoot with me. This never works out well. However, there have been a few times I have had naughty toddlers. I would rather just give them a break then have a parent bring negative energy to the portrait shoot. If they are really being a stinker, we should just re-shoot when they are feeling better. I would not charge to try again a different day, I don’t want to experience that type of stress and do not want my clients to feel it either.

  3. Please do not ask your toddler to smile, this creates those fake “cheese smiles” that honestly are quite awful. I think that no smile would be better than the cheese ball grin! lol

  4. I am totally down with a little bribery too! If you choose food, think of things that do not create a lot of saliva or color to them that could stain clothing. Also, try to find a goodie that disappears quickly not leaving food particles behind in your child’s mouth. I think that Smarties are a good little bribe.

  5. When your child does something great, be sure to give lots of praise! I will too. I also happen to carry little toys with me for after the session for a job well done.

  6. Let’s play and enjoy this time together to create a joyful experience for your child. This might mean all of us jumping around and acting like children, which is actually fun.

  7. Wardrobe changes are really great, especially if doing an urban shoot to match the different environments like the below images.

  8. Accessories, the more accessories the more variety in the shots. Bubbles, skateboards, hair pieces, the list can go on and on.

  9. Make sure you feed and nap your child before shoot. It is a good idea to plan the shoot around your child’s most happy time of the day.

  10. Redding is HOT, so bring a little towel for sweat and bring WATER.

  11. If you have a Speedy Gonzales on your hands, I thin a meadow environment or park would be best. Think cars and traffic if you have a child that likes to bolt and you are not able to catch them please.

  12. Speaking of meadows, think about bug repellent and remember to do a tick check when you get home.

  13. If you have time before the session, teach your child to play Simon Says and I can play with him/her during the session to get the pose we are looking for.

  14. Be sure to smile a bunch as the parent during the session, lots of positive attention is KEY.

  15. Lets have fun and see what we can create!

Want to see more of Q’s session?



Jamie Solorio