Turtle Bay Garden Etiquette

I am so thankful for the gorgeous botanical gardens located in Northern California, specifically in Redding, CA. The McConnell Arboretum & Botanical Gardens are located on the north side of the Turtle Bay Exploration Park campus, across the Sundial Bridge. So, I thought I would take this time to create a little blog post on some rules I would like my clients to follow while visiting the gardens that were created for our enjoyment.

Guideline for Garden Etiquette while shooting with me:

  • Please stay on the paths or on the mowed grass

  • Please PLEASE please do not pick flowers or plants

  • Please do not kill insects

  • Please pick up any of your trash

  • Please watch that your children follow the above rules

I realize this seems a bit obvious, but at times I have noticed families that do these things mentioned above in a moment of excitement. This garden means a lot to me and our community here in Redding, so it is important to treat the gardens with great respect. Not to mention, I would love to be allowed to continue to bring my clients to the gardens.

Oh, by the way…I do have a membership that I take advantage of often. Thought I would share that link just incase you would like to stroll these beautiful grounds.

To view more of Sonora’s session click the link below please:

Jamie Solorio