A Study of Art: Courbet and Heiji Monogatari Emaki

One self burns in the past, feeding the embers. The other steps forward, reckoning with what’s lost. Inspired by Courbet and Heiji Monogatari Emaki, this 292-second exposure is a choice—to honor what remains before all turns to ash.

Inspired by the works of Nick Knight, Roversi, and Porodina, and deeply influenced by Courbet’s “A Burial at Ornans,” “Through Fire, I Rise” is a testament to my journey as an autodidact in photography. This image captures the emotional depth and the sorrow of overconsumption, mirroring the themes of life’s fragility and our responsibility to the planet.

Using a 292-second long exposure, every element was carefully crafted in-camera, with minor adjustments to contrast, exposure, and color in post-production to enhance the final vision. The color palette, inspired by the “Heiji Monogatari Emaki ” evokes the flames, chaos, and transformation.

Combining gels, flash, torches, and continuous light, this piece explores themes of identity, resilience, and metamorphosis, reflecting a shift from materialism to a deeper connection with the natural world.

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Model/Makeup Elevia Top Gini Holmes Bonnet Vintage from my grandmother

Jamie Solorio